
Thursday, 8 February 2018

UTHM Recruitment 2018 - 2019 17 Consultant, Medical Officer, Social Worker, 49 Counselor, LDC Typist, Staff Nurse, Accountant Vacancy Notification Apply


UTHM Job Notification 2018

A newest career related advertisement with name as UTHM Recruitment has been professed by Andaman & Nicobar Union Territory Health Mission to inform the Eligible and well talented Participants for the 17 Vacancies of Consultant, Medical Officer, Social Worker. Eligible Contenders can apply for UTHM vacancy by filling offline application form on or before the end date that is 12th February 2018.

Participants are advised to submit the relevant documents along with the UTHM Application Form on or before the end date that is 12th February 2018. Eligible and well talented, Participants may obtain other related information about UTHM Recruitment 2018, may go through from this page which are well described by the team of

UTHM Recruitment 2018 information:

Name of conducting Body: Andaman & Nicobar Union Territory Health Mission

Posts Name: Consultant, Medical Officer, Social Worker

Vacancies: 17

Type of Recruitment: Andaman & Nicobar Government Jobs

Apply Mode: Offline

UTHM Vacancy Details:

1. Consultant / Programme Officers - 01
2. Consultant (NUHM) - 01
3. District Consultant (NTCP) - 01
4. Technical Officer (NIDDCP) - 01
5. State Entomologist (IDSP) - 01
6. State Entomologist (NVBDCP) - 01
7. State Consultant (Finance/Procurement)(IDSP) - 01
8. Clinical Psychologist/Trained Psychologist (NMHP) - 03
9. Finance cum Logistics Consultant (NPCDCS) - 01
10. Medical Officer (AYUSH) (Homoeo) - 01
11. M.O (RBSK) (Ayurveda) - 01
12. Biomedical Engineer - 01
13. Psychiatrist Social Worker (Mental Health) - 03

Essential Qualification: Job seekers should have completed the education as MBA/ MHA / MPH / Post Graduation Degree (Public Health / Medical Graduate / M.Sc Bio-Chemistry) / Diploma (computer diploma) / M.Sc (Zoology) / M.Phil (Clinical Psychology / Inter CA/Inter ICWA/M.Com / MBA (Finance / Material Management) / Graduation Degree (Homoeopathy / Ayurveda) / MA Sociology with good academic records from well recognised University/ Institute as per the applied posts.

Salary Details: Successfully recruited applicants for Consultant, Medical Officer, Social Worker will attain attractive and impressive salary of Rs. 35,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 35,000/- (Post 2), Rs. 40,000/- (Post 3), Rs. 35,000/- (Post 4), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 5), Rs. 45,000/- (Post 6), Rs. 23,100/- (Post 7), Rs. 30,000/- (Post 8), Rs. 40,000/- (Post 9), Rs. 45,000/- (Post 10), Rs. 40,000/- (Post 11), Rs. 30,000/- (Post 12), Rs. 30,000/- (Post 13) from organisation.

Selection Stages:
  • Selection of candidates will be done on the basis of their performance in Merit Basis and Personal Interview that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.
Steps To Fill UTHM Application Form:
  • First of all, aspirants have to visit the web portal of organization that is
  • On homepage hit on “career” link which is available at top menu bar.
  • Contenders have to search and select suitable link related to the post for which they desire to apply.
  • Applicants have to read the complete description carefully.
  • After reading complete instructions carefully aspirants have to download application form from official website and fill application form with all required and mandatory details.
  • Candidates must Paste photograph and copies of documents/certificates, if required .
  • Once the application form filled successfully Participants should send complete application form in all manners to the address mentioned below.
Postal Address to Send Application:

A & N Union Territory Health Mission, Office of State Health Society (A&N Islands), Quarter No. AP-III, Atlanta Point, Port Blair-744104
Dates to be remembered:
Closing Date for Receiving Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 12-02-2018.

official Website :

UTHM Job Notification 2018

A latest job notification with name as UTHM Recruitment has been broadcasted by Andaman & Nicobar Union Territory Health Mission to inform the Enthusiastic and talented Indian Citizens for the 49 vacant posts of Counselor, LDC Typist, Staff Nurse, Accountant. Eligible Individuals can apply for UTHM vacancy by submitting application form through offline mode on or before the end date that is 9th February 2018.

Contestants are advised to submit the relevant documents along with the UTHM Application Form on or before the end date that is 9th February 2018. Enthusiastic and talented, Indian Citizens can collect signification details about UTHM Recruitment 2018, may go through from this page that is well structured by the entire team of

Andaman & Nicobar Union Territory Health Mission Recruitment 2018 Jobs Openings:

Name of Organization: Andaman & Nicobar Union Territory Health Mission

Name of the Vacancies: Counselor, LDC Typist, Staff Nurse, Accountant

No. of Posts: 49

Type of Recruitment: Andaman & Nicobar Government Jobs

Application Process: Offline

UTHM Vacancy Details:

1. IEC Officer - 01
2. IEC Assistant - 01
3. Staff Nurse (NUHM) - 05
4. Social Worker (NTCP) - 01
5. Psychologist/ Counsellor (NTCP) - 01
6. Lab Technician (RNTCP) - 01
7. Pharmacist (SDS) - 01
8. Counselor (RNTCP) - 01
9. Renal Technician - 04
10. Programme Assistant (NPPCD) - 01
11. Audiologist (NPPCD) - 01
12. Audiologist & Speech Therapist (RBSK /DEIC) - 01
13. Audiometric Assistant (NPPCD) - 01
14. Statistical Assistant (NIDDCP) - 01
15. LDC Typist (NIDDCP) - 01
16. Lab Technician (NIDDCP) - 01
17. State Data Manager (IDSP) - 01
18. Radiographer - 01
19. Data Assistant cum-clerk (NPCDCS) - 01
20. Staff Nurse (DEIC) - 01
21. Staff Nurse (SNCU/ NBSU) - 11
22. ANMs (NUHM) - 04
23. Support Staff / Office Attendant - 02
24. Physiotherapist (DIEC) - 01
25. Medical Records Asst./Case Registry Asst. (NMHP) - 03
26. Accountant (NUHM) - 01

Qualification Required: Those job hunters have done the 8th / 10th / 12th / Masters Degree (Social work / Rural development) / Graduation Degree (Social Science) / Diploma (Health Education or Mass Communication) / Graduation Degree / Engineering Degree from a recognized University or Institution may apply.

Monthly Remuneration: Successfully recruited candidates will receive salary of Rs. Rs. 21,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 16,000/- (Post 2), Rs. 16,000/- (Post 3), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 4), Rs. 18,000/- (Post 5), Rs. 12,128/- (Post 6), Rs. 15,750/- (Post 7), Rs. 10,500/- (Post 8), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 9), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 10), Rs. 30,000/- (Post 11), Rs. 30,000/- (Post 12), Rs. 15,000/- (Post 13), Rs. 20,000/- (Post 14), Rs. 11,667/- (Post 15), Rs. 16,000/- (Post 16), Rs. 18,000/- (Post 17), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 18), Rs. 10,500/- (Post 19), Rs. 16,000/- (Post 20), Rs. 18,000/- (Post 21), Rs. 13,000/- (Post 22), Rs. 11,088/- (Post 23), Rs. 25,000/- (Post 24), Rs. 10,500/- (Post 25), Rs. 18,000/- (Post 26) from recruiting organisation.

Mode of Selection:
  • Contenders, interested to apply against Andaman & Nicobar Union Territory Health Mission recruitment they have to go through the Merit Basis and Personal Interview round that will be organized by the recruitment panel of organization.
Steps To Fill UTHM Application Form:
  • First of all, aspirants have to visit the web portal of organization that is
  • Then applicants are required to press on ‘Latest Recruitment’ tab which is visible on the home page.
  • Contenders have to search and select suitable link related to the post for which they desire to apply.
  • Read the notification and instructions provided in it with care.
  • After reading complete instructions carefully aspirants have to download application form from official website and fill application form with all required and mandatory details.
  • Appliers must Attach the copies of documents/certificates if necessary and recent passport size photograph.
  • Once the application form filled successfully Indian Citizens should send the application form along with all relevant documents to the given address that is mentioned below.
Postal Address to Send Application:

A & N Union Territory Health Mission, Office of State Health Society (A&N Islands), Quarter No. AP-III, Atlanta Point, Port Blair-744104
Significant Date:
Deadline for Receiving Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 09-02-2018.

official Website :


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